You may have recently come across astrology posts mentioning Pluto in Aquarius. Across social media platforms, it has become a “trend” to announce astrological ingresses with fear mongering tones. The posts ironically align with what Pluto in Aquarius is here to teach us; what/who are we doing it all for ?
Pluto in Aquarius will be both the message and the medium.
Pluto in Modern Astrology
Pluto is often a misunderstood planet, and will often be correlated to Western Modern Principles because it was discovered very recently, in 1930, and the irony is that the history of Astrology is older than the discovery of Pluto itself. This historical context is important to understand when it comes to how we perceive astrology in general and how we choose to interpret astrological movements and phenomena. In this sense, Astrology is an evolutionary process and theory rather than a dogmatic one.
Depending on your school of astrology, you have the freedom to consider or neglect modern planets. As somebody who inclined toward socio-astrology, I consider Pluto a crucial planet into understanding socio-cultural movements, especially in the Western World. Pluto in modern interpretation is “generational” but also “parasitic” in the sense where it will point down to certain aspects or influences that we would like to not think about (which also explains the modern association of Pluto with Scorpio). The parasitical nature of societies and groups is something we would like to never acknowledge for it requires an awareness of our shadows as individuals which then influence our groups and ultimately our society.
The parasite when Pluto was in Capricorn was centred around structures and traditions, therefore it became oppressive and difficult to deal with in many ways. Pluto in Capricorn made the parasite human-sized and we allowed institutions to become Titans.
Pluto in Capricorn put Millennials in the spot lights indeed. This phenomenon can only be understood through astrology; Millennials are a generation born under Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn and the transitions of Pluto in addition to Saturn in the same sign formed “conjunctions” which strengthen the experiences that we collectively went through for Millennials. In this way, Millennials were the lab rats for us to observe (apologies for my tone), and yes at many times, it was a collective cringe response.
This brings me to the whole concept of “Adulting”, a coined term that has been widely adopted and shared during Pluto in Capricorn. Millennials are born with Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn, and the two energetically merging of these planets with that sign do not particularly enjoy each other. The natives with these placements are ultimately afraid of growing up, most likely due to the fast paced social and technological changes they witnessed growing up. When Pluto in Capricorn arrived, it was forcing us to think of structures and find ways to survive through their expectations. However, the lesson of that transit was not about accepting any structure that came but ultimately recognize that external institutional pressures are a way to push us to deal with our own expectations and regain autonomy.
When millennials employ the term “adulting”, it is a coping mechanism, to neglect their own path to attain autonomy and in return blame the weight of responsibilities on external factors. The truth with Pluto in Capricorn is that it reminded us that responsibilities will always be present in the course of our existence, but the true challenge is to learn how we perceive them and interact with them. The sequel now is all about applying those perceptions and interactions for a common purpose, and air-ruled Aquarius is here for that, and more….
Pluto in Aquarius - MANIFESTO
In the beginning there was Verb and now there is Consciousness.
When One hand extends, the Other feeds, and when One feeds, the Other produces.
When Doomsday arrives, there will be no salvation for machine.
When Doomsday comes, One will be All and All will be One.
No sound of Trumpet but the Riot of the People, no Judgment but the Victory of the People. No Republic or Kingdom, for All will be Heaven.
For what is your Saviour if not thy Neighbour.
And what is I if not thou.
Readings related to Pluto in Aquarius for the curious ones: